
A 1.10.0 Arcturus Fork, updated to the latest version. Current Version 1.12

Primary LanguageJava

Arcturus Emulator is released under the GNU General Public License v3. Modifications are allowed but must disclosed. Changes in the about menu are forbidden as they are part of the license.

Arcturus Emulator

Latest Arcturus Version

1.16.0 - Targeting PRODUCTION-201611291003-338511768

Latest Arcturus Fork Version

1.12.0 - Targeting PRODUCTION-201801091205-747212226


Extra Features in Arcturus Fork

  • Group Forums (Credits to Mania.gg)


Anyone is allowed to contribute to the project. Reporting bugs and issues goes via the issue tracker. All code written and commited is yours, and not owned by TheGeneral, capheus, or anyone else unless they are the contributer.

You can request features in the issue tracker.