
Use Kmean Clustering and Collaborative filtering approach for the recommendation problem

Primary LanguagePython


Recommender System.pdf

Recommends list of movies for user.

###Features User can interact with the program via Web interface, where user can rate 20 movie. User are allowed to rate from range 0 to 5 or can leave the field blank Based on this input ratings, program will calculate the recommendation for user. Recommendation is done with single stage: Clustering. Collaborative Filtering from v1.2 has been removed temporarily, instead the recommendation is done by 5 user similar with that user in same cluster.



  1. sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
  2. deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu raring main universe
  3. sudo apt-get update
  4. sudo apt-get install python3-pandas


  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install mongodb
  3. pip3 install pymongo3