🛠️ esp32-wifi-penetration-tool-Flasher-tool

😊 Happy Hacking!

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/BlackTechX011/esp32-wifi-penetration-tool-Flasher-tool.git
  1. Navigate to the Hacx Directory:
cd Hacx-GPT
  1. Unzip the esptool-master.zip Folder: Make sure to extract the contents of esptool-master.zip for further usage.

  2. Run the Script:

python3 main.py
  1. Select the COM Port: In the Command Line Interface (CLI), select the COM port of the ESP32. Connect your ESP32 board to your device via USB cable.

  2. Start Hacking! Connect to this AP By default: SSID: ManagementAP and password: mgmtadmin

In browser open and you should see a web client to configure and control tool like this:

Feel the power of technology in your hands! 💻🔧 Happy hacking!