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  1. Introduction:
  • Audio visualizers are a great way to enhance music listening experience.
  • This article explains how to create an audio visualizer using vanilla JavaScript and inbuilt browser Canvas and Web Audio APIs.
  1. Building the Visualizer:
  • Canvas and Web Audio APIs are used to build the visualizer.
  • Canvas is an HTML5 element that allows drawing graphics on a webpage.
  • Web Audio API allows processing and playing audio files directly in the browser.
  • The HTML document contains canvas and audio elements.
  • CSS styling is added to position the canvas element at the center of the screen.
  1. Setting up the Project:
  • A server is needed to bypass the CORS problem.
  • Vite, a simple and straightforward dev server, is used in this tutorial.
  • The HTML document contains canvas and audio elements.
  • CSS styling is added to position the canvas element at the center of the screen.
  1. Tuning the Performance:
  • The article explains how digital audio works.
  • Computers use sampling to turn sound into data that they can store.
  • The computer recreates the sound from the recorded data points when playing back audio.
  • The article explains how to tune the performance of the visualizer.
  1. Adding Color and Polishing the UI:
  • Color is added to the visualizer.
  • The bars are resized to improve the UI.
  1. Setting up the Entry File:
  • The HTML document contains canvas and audio elements.
  • CSS styling is added to position the canvas element at the center of the screen.
  • The script.js file contains all the code for analyzing the audio and generating the visuals.
  1. Initializing the Canvas and Audio Resources:
  • References to the canvas and audio elements are set up.
  • The canvas element is set to fill up the entire screen.
  • The audio source, analyzer, and audio context objects are set up.
  1. Setting up the Web Audio API Variables:
  • The audio source, analyzer, and context are set up.
  • The audio source is an AudioNode object that represents the source of the audio.
  • The analyzer node helps understand what is happening with the sound.
  • The audio context is responsible for managing all the Web Audio API nodes.
  1. Creating the audioSource and analyser nodes:
  • Set up the audio context
  • Create the audioSource and analyser nodes
  • Connect the nodes to form a chain
  1. Calculating the visualizer's bar dimensions:
  • Set the fftSize property of the analyser to 128
  • Create a bufferLength variable and set it to the frequencyBinCount property of the analyser
  • Create a dataArray variable and set it to a Uint8Array of the bufferLength size
  • Create a barWidth variable and set it equal to the width of the canvas divided by the bufferLength
  1. Animating the bars:
  • Create an animate function
  • Call getByteFrequencyData method on the analyser node to populate the dataArray with data from the sound
  • Use a for loop to go through the dataArray array and draw a rectangle for each data point
  • Call requestAnimationFrame method to loop the animate function
  1. Adding color and polishing the UI:
  • Experiment with dynamic values in the for loop to generate random colors
  • Separate the for loop into its own function for better readability
  • Split the data points into two halves to make higher bars rise from the middle
  • Animate the left side with higher frequency bars on the right, and the right side with the higher frequency bars on the left
  1. Creating an audio visualizer from scratch:
  • Learned about the different parts of an analyzer node and what each one does
  • Created a data array and animated it with the help of the animate function
  • Made small improvements to the visualizer by changing the color and making bars taller in the middle
  1. Improving performance with web workers:
  • Offloaded heavy operations to background threads via Web Workers
  • Used OffScreenCanvas to run most canvas tasks within the web worker’s context
  • Highlighted the changes made to the code to implement web workers
  1. Conclusion:
  • Reviewed the process of creating an audio visualizer from scratch
  • Suggested building an audio plugin from scratch as another project
  • Provided instructions for setting up LogRocket's modern Javascript error tracking