
Final Project for CSCI 5229 - Computer Graphics @ CU Boulder

Primary LanguageC++


Final Project for CSCI 5229 - Computer Graphics @ CU Boulder

Program is always in First Person mode that mimics First Person games. I am using GLFW for the OpenGL Context and Window manager. I restrict movement onto the red carpet areas and from leaving the hangar...

Build & Run (Ubuntu & Pop!_OS):

GLFW - a lightweight utility library for use with OpenGL.

$ sudo apt-get install libglfw3
$ sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev

FreeGLUT - open-source alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit library

$ sudo apt-get install freeglut3
$ sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

In the AirMuseum directory:

$ cd src
$ make clean && make && ./final

If any argument is provided (if argc > 1) like :

$ ./final <some_text>

Then program removes the mouse cursor for a more immersive experience!

The resulting binary is called: final.

Looking around:

You can use the mouse to "look around" as if in a First Person video game. If no access to mouse, you can also use the arrow keys on keyboard as shown below

Key bindings:

  ESC   - Exit
  w       - Move worward
  s       - Move backward
  a       - Strafe left
  d       - Strafe right
  c       - crouch
  L Arrow - Look left (Camera)
  R Arrow - Look right (Camera)
  U Arrow - Look down (Camera)
  D Arrow - Look down (Camera)

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