
A web app to teach people sign language using deep learning models

Primary LanguageHTML

ASL-teach 🧑‍🏫

Sign Language 👐 is amazing skill to have it allows you to communicate with people irrespective thier abilites to speak and hear🦻. Leading to a more inclusive society. The inspritation 💡 came to me when I saw on the news the celebrartation of "The week of the Deaf and Dumb". So this is bacically planning this for teaching society Sign language.

Setup 🔧

git clone https://github.com/Blackcipher101/ASL-teach.git

pip install opencv-python

pip install Django

To start :old_key:

You might have to head up too Heroku-ASL set ip up or make slight change in views.py change the link to https://asldetect.heroku.app//predict?

PS: For me heroku didn't work as the model is pretty big 😢 to make changes to the model head out to ASL-detector So set it up locally

pyhton manage.py runserver localhost:8000

🥳 Voila!! 🥳

Work flow ⏳

Go to localhost:8000 on your favroite browser:computer: Choose a letter -> Take a photo :camera: -> check :heavy_check_mark:-> master:crossed_swords: :partying_face:
