
A template for creating foundry modules using typescript. Project files are setup to be hot reloaded.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A template for creating foundry modules using typescript. Project files are setup to be hot reloaded. Information on hot module replacement: https://webpack.js.org/concepts/hot-module-replacement/


About Bundler:
This project uses webpack to bundle your files. What this means is that every script file in src/ will get 'bundled' into one output .js file in dist/. Likewise every static file (.html, .json, etc.) in static/ will get moved to dist.
Because of this you should NOT have your development working directory inside the foundryuser folder. Instead you should follow the instructions below for setting up symantic links between the dist/ folder and foundryuser.

  • Run npm install
  • Rename module.ts to your chosen module name.
  • Rename the references to module.ts in webpack.config.js file. (Line 26)
  • Fill in module.json with actual information.
  • run: npm run build
  • Create a symantic link between the dist/ folder to a module folder in FoundryUser/Data/modules/[MODULE_NAME]
    -- Instructions (for windows) -- Open a command prompt and navigate to FoundryUser/Data/modules
    -- Run: mklink /D MODULE_NAME [DEVELOPMENT_PATH]/dist

A note on typescript, it is completely optional and if you do not wish to use then rename any .ts files and their references to .js.


Development: To run with hotswap enabled run the command: npm run start

Release: To ready the project for release run the command: npm run build:production

CD/CI: This template is setup with automatic github release, developed by League of Foundry Developers in their FoundryVtt-Module-Template. https://github.com/League-of-Foundry-Developers/FoundryVTT-Module-Template


Hot Reload force refreshes my page!

  • access foundry through localhost:8080 instead of localhost:30000
  • You might have multiple modules running HMR. It is critical that if you are working on multiple modules that only a single module is using hot module reload at a time.


Used webpack and setup files as reference: https://github.com/anvil-vtt/FateX
Used github workflow and template reference: https://github.com/League-of-Foundry-Developers/FoundryVTT-Module-Template