
Ogamex.net - Chrome extension

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This channel is to share the latest versions of my google chrome extension and discuss new features. You are welcome to request features. I will try to realize them as long as those are possible and fair! The extension will not cover any kind of bot-like automation!!! You are also welcome to report bugs here

Stories in Ready

I am always sharing my extension as a zip file. To use it you have to do the following things:

  • Use google chrome
  • Go to the extensions page (chrome://extensions) and activate developers mode (top right corner)
  • Option 1: Just drag and drop the zipped extension into the extension window
  • Option 2: unzip the extension. Open contentscript.js and modify the options if you don´t like to use all the features. Then drag and drop the whole folder into the extension window. Or use "Load unpacked extension"

Don´t be afraid that I steal any of your data or account info. Nothing like that will happen. All of my code is open source since I am sharing the zip file. You can check on your own what the code is doing before using it. Or ask a friend who understands codes

Changelog AddoneX V0.0.0.3:

  • Sound alarm under atack, the page refresh every 30 second and check if under attack, the tab need to be open (available for alls universes)

Changelog AddoneX V0.0.0.2:

  • Added the planetlist feature: Planets are now listed in two columns.
  • Added player rank feature in the galaxy view: The player rank is now visible in the galaxy. You don´t have to look at the tooltip

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