
Chess Game in react.js, for every win you receive a fraction of an ERC-20 Token on the Ropsten network

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chess Solidity Game


Developed using:
-Ganache to simulate a local blockchain
-Truffle to compile and migrate the smart contracts
-Solidity as a compiler for the smart contracts
-Web3 to connect the front-end to the blockchain
-React for the front-end
-Mocha for testing (not implemented yet)
-OpenZeppelin for the library
-HDWallet-provider used in the migration
-Infura I didn't wanted to create a local node in the testnet of Ropsten, so I used infura to have a node webhosted
-Ropsten Testnet faucet for the Ropsten testnet

I used the library OpenZeppelin to develop an ERC20 token (in Solidity) in a few lines of code, added a function so that the token can work as a faucet, after that I used Truffle to compile and migrate (to Ganache) the smart contract, there 2 available networks, the Ropsten Testnet or a local blockchain using Ganache, Web3 was then used to connect React with Ganache through Metamask