This code collects some tools to inject image failures and tries to simplify the usage for dataset injection.
The work is based on:
The InjectionManager takes as an input a folder with a sequence of frames (png images) and injects the selected failures. The output is a folder (named as the initial sequence) with a subfolder for every injection. Every failure could have multiple variants, therefore inside the failure output folder a new subfolder is created for every variant. Every failure variant folder contains the initial sequence with the injected failure.
- input
- sequence_01
- frame_01.png
- frame_02.png
- ...
- sequence_01
If we inject "banding" and "condensation" failures the output would be:
- output
- sequence_01
- banding
- variant_0
- frame_01.png
- frame_02.png
- ...
- variant_1
- frame_01.png
- frame_02.png
- ...
- variant_0
- condensation
- variant_0
- ...
- variant_0
- banding
- sequence_01