
LINQ for PHP - A library dedicated to bringing a powerful filtering library and statistical analysis to PHP.

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status



originally written by Tommy Montgomery

phinq is a faithful port of .NET's LINQ library (circa 4.0) to PHP.


  • PHP 5.3 or higher


Basic Usage


//Use a PSR-0 compliant autoloader to auto-import needed files

//fully qualifying things sucks
use Phinq\Phinq;

//suppose you have some sort of collection
$payments = array(10.5, 11.94, 9.3, 0, 17.1, 10.5, 0);

//let's do something to it
$paymentQuery = Phinq::create($payments)
  ->where(function($payment) { return $payment !== 0; }) //non-zero
  ->orderBy(function($payment) { return $payment; }); //sorted ascending

//nothing happens until we evaluate the expressions by calling toArray()
$nonZeroOrderedPayments = $paymentQuery->toArray();
    [0] => 9.3
    [1] => 10.5
    [2] => 10.5
    [3] => 11.94
    [4] => 17.1

//non-zero, ordered and distinct
    [0] => 9.3
    [1] => 10.5
    [2] => 11.94
    [3] => 17.1

Grouping using objects


//say we had a Person struct, and each person has a place of residence
class Person {
  public $id;
  public $name;
  public $residence;
  public function __construct($id, $name, State $state) {
    $this->id = $id;
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->residence = $state;

class State {
  public $id;
  public $name;
  public $region;
  public $code;
  public function __construct($id, $name, $region, $code) {
    $this->id = $id;
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->region = $region;
    $this->code = $code;
//...and we have these people who live in these states
$people = array(
  new Person(1, 'Tommy', new State(1, 'California', 'SW', 'CA')),
  new Person(2, 'Bobby', new State(2, 'Washington', 'NW', 'WA')),
  new Person(3, 'Joey', new State(2, 'Washington', 'NW', 'WA')),
  new Person(4, 'Jerry', new State(3, 'New York', 'NE', 'NY')),
  new Person(3, 'Dubya', new State(4, 'Texas', 'S', 'TX'))
//...and we want to group them by region
echo Phinq::create($people)
  ->groupBy(function($person) { return $person->residence->region; })
  ->select(function($grouping) { 
    //$grouping is an instance of Phinq\Grouping, which inherits from Phinq
    //it has a getKey() method which returns the key used to perform the grouping
    $obj = new stdClass();
    $obj->people = $grouping;
    $obj->region = $grouping->getKey();
    return $obj;
  })->orderBy(function($obj) { return $obj->people->count(); }, true /* descending */)
  ->aggregate(function($current, $next) { 
    $count = $next->people->count();
    return $current . sprintf(
      "%d %s (%s) live in the %s region\n",
      $count === 1 ? 'person' : 'people',
      $next->people->aggregate(function($current, $next) {
        if ($current !== null) {
          $current .= ', ';
        return $current . sprintf('%s [%s]', $next->name, $next->residence->code);

2 people (Bobby [WA], Joey [WA]) live in the NW region
1 person (Dubya [TX]) live in the S region
1 person (Tommy [CA]) live in the SW region
1 person (Jerry [NY]) live in the NE region

The C# equivalent would be approximately:

  .GroupBy(person => person.Residence.Region)
  .Select(grouping => new { Region = grouping.Key, People = grouping })
  .OrderBy(obj => obj.People.Count())
  .Aggregate((current, next) => {
    var count = next.People.Count();
    return current + string.Format(
      "{0} {1} ({2}) live in the {3} region",
      count == 1 ? "person" : "people",
      next.People.Aggregate((personString, nextPerson) {
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(personString)) {
          personString += ", ";

        return personString + string.Format("{0} [{1}]", nextPerson.Name, nextPerson.Residence.Code);

LINQ methods implemented:

  • Aggregate()
  • All()
  • Any()
  • Average()
  • Cast()
  • Concat()
  • Contains()
  • Count()
  • DefaultIfEmpty()
  • Distinct()
  • ElementAt()
  • ElementAtOrDefault()
  • Except()
  • First()
  • FirstOrDefault()
  • GroupBy()
  • GroupJoin()
  • Intersect()
  • Join()
  • Last()
  • LastOrDefault()
  • Max()
  • Min()
  • OfType()
  • OrderBy()
  • Reverse()
  • Select()
  • SelectMany()
  • SequenceEqual()
  • Single()
  • SingleOrDefault()
  • Skip()
  • SkipWhile()
  • Sum()
  • Take()
  • TakeWhile()
  • ThenBy()
  • ToArray()
  • ToDictionary()
  • Union()
  • Where()
  • Zip()

Extra methods:

  • between()
  • none()
  • random()
  • walk()

LINQ methods to be implemented: None.

LINQ methods not implemented:

  • AsEnumerable()
  • AsParallel()
  • AsQueryable()
  • LongCount()
  • OrderByDescending() - implemented as an optional argument to orderBy()
  • ThenByDescending() - implemented as an optional argument to thenBy()
  • ToList()
  • ToLookup()