Octopus Front End Test

This example project was pinched from a graphene-django example app. and Create React App.
The project contains two apps - a django app named products and a react app named shop.

In this code test, you'll be asked to:

  • Make a simple React app that follows the design in AppDesignMobile.png. Ideally the app should be responsive.
  • Fill out the front end tests and then make them pass by writing an app that consumes the API.

We've included a sample create react app project for your convenience, but you're welcome to swap it out for another framework if you prefer. You're also welcome to write more tests for other parts of the application - but design those however you like.

Getting started

We assume you have access to a unix environment - if this poses a real problem please let us know.

First you'll need to install your dependencies

# Navigate into the django project
cd octopus/server

It is good idea (but not required) to create a virtual environment for this project. We'll do this using virtualenv to keep things simple.

# Create a virtualenv in which we can install the dependencies
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Now we can install our dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To add some data to your database do the following:

./manage.py migrate
# Load some example data
./manage.py loaddata products

Now you should be ready to start the server:

./manage.py runserver 8000

Here is the query to run to get you started

Once you have your server running, you're ready to install the front end dependencies

# Navigate into the react app
cd octopus/client

# install dependencies

# start the server
yarn start

You should be able to see the Hello World message.

Running the tests

You can run the front end tests by navigating to the directory

cd octopus/client
yarn test

Press a to run all the tests. This should give you two failures:

 FAIL  src/App.test.js
  ✕ should be able to increase and decrease product quantity
  ✕ should be able to add items to the basket

So the task is to make the a client that passes these tests :)

Best of luck!