Primary LanguagePython


This is for the paper LoGAH: Predicting 774-Million-Parameter Transformers using Graph HyperNetworks with $\frac{1}{100}$ Parameters.

We released the LoGAH-Tiny-8K model trained on WikiText-103 for 90 Epochs, which means it can support the prediction of models with max width up to 8K.


Please git clone Parameter Prediction for Unseen Deep Architectures first and prepare the running environments, then git clone this repo under that folder. We also provided the env.yml for your convenient, so that you can create the conda environment.

Dataset Generator

We provide the codes for generating ViTs-1K and GPTs-1K datasets. gpt2_generator.py and vit_generator.py is used for generating the dataset of GPTs-1K and ViTs-1K, respectively. Note that, when generating GPTs-1K datasets and training LoGAH on GPTs-1K, please modify the following code

var = self.model(torch.randn(2, *self.expected_input_sz, device=device))

at traverse_graph function in ghn3/graph.py to

var = self.model(**tokenizer("Hello, my dog is cute", return_tensors="pt")).logits

in order to support language models. We provided the modified graph.py in ghn3 folder for your convenience.

Note that: It could be a large file when generating the original datasets, one solution is to generate a similar dataset with smaller models sizes, and in the corresponding trainer.py you randomly generate the original size of model for training. Refer to the commented code in trainer.py for more details.


We provide the LoGAH in nn.py in ghn3 folder, where we introduce the low-rank decoder, as well as the modified trainer.py for our paper. We also modify the config.py in ppuda by adding the hyperparameter such as --lora_r used in LoGAH. The trainer for GPT-1K datasets is shown in trainer_gpt2.py.

Training LoGAH

You can follow the instructions in GHN-3 to run the training on multiple GPUs. For training LoGAH on ViTs-1K, please use train_ghn_ddp.py; for training it on GPTs-1K, please use train_ghn_gpt2.py.

Note: For different datsets (i.e. CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNets), the number of classes is $10, 100, 1000$ respectively. Please also modify the corresponding number in ghn3/trainer.py in update function.

For example:

python LoGAH/train_ghn_ddp.py -n -v 50 --ln --amp -m 1 --name ghn-logah-r90-hid128-m1-layers5-heads16-clip5 -d cifar100 --hid 128 --lora_r 90 --layers 5 --heads 16 --opt adamw --lr 0.3e-3 --wd 1e-2 --scheduler cosine-warmup --debug 0 --max_shape 2048 --lora

Or if you want to train on multiple GPUs, you can use the torchrun to do that:

torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=2 LoGAH/train_ghn_gpt2.py -n -v 50 --ln --amp -m 2  --name ghn-gpt2-lora-wiki103-r32-hid64-layers3-heads8-m2 -d wikitext --hid 64 --lora_r 32 --layers 3 --heads 8 --opt adamw --lr 0.3e-3 --wd 1e-2 --scheduler cosine-warmup --debug 0 --max_shape 2048 --lora --batch_size 6 -d wikitext 

If you encounter the hanging issue, please add the command export NCCL_P2P_DISABLE=1 before running the experiments.

Predict Parameters

For predicting the parameters for ViT and GPT-2, we provide eval_ghn.py and eval_ghn_for_gpt2.py respectively. For example:

python LoGAH/eval_ghn.py -d cifar100 --ckpt checkpoints/ghn-c100-lora-r32-hid64-m8-layers3-heads8-clip5/checkpoint.pt --save checkpoints/ghn-c100-lora-r32-hid64-m8-layers3-heads8-clip5/c100_vit_epoch300_L24_H16_C1024_init.pt --split torch

Note: Please change the config settings according to ViT-S/B/L and GPT-2 S/M/L for your own experiments. You can check it in eval_ghn.py and eval_ghn_for_gpt2.py, respectively. Besides, since in the eval scripts we use from_pretrained function in nn.py, so please also set ghn = GHN3(**ghn_config, **kwargs) in this function when evaluating the ViTs, or set ghn = GHN3_GPT(**ghn_config, **kwargs) when evaluating the GPT-2.

Moreover, to get predicted parameters for different ViTs, please modify the corresponding number of layers, heads and hidden dim in eval_ghn.py and eval_ghn_for_gpt2.py for your own experiments (same for GPT-2 models).

Training ViTs and GPTs

We provide the training scripts for ViT and GPT-2 respectively, train_vit.py and train_gpt2.py.

For training ViT from our prediction, you can use the following command:

python LoGAH/train_vit.py --split predefined --arch 0 --epochs 100 -d cifar100 --batch_size 32 --opt adamw --lr 0.04e-3 --wd 1e-2 --ckpt  checkpoints/ghn-c100-lora-r32-hid64-m8-layers3-heads8-clip5/c100_vit_epoch300_L24_H16_C1024_init.pt

For training GPT-2, we also ulitise the DeepSpeed:


deepspeed --master_port 12345 --include localhost:2,3,4,5,6,7 LoGAH/train_gpt2.py --fp16 --dataset_name wikitext --dataset_config_name wikitext-103-raw-v1 --learning_rate 3e-6 --weight_decay 1e-2 --warmup_steps 500 --preprocessing_num_workers 8  --num_train_epochs 100 --deepspeed ds_config_1gpu.json --per_device_train_batch_size 2 --per_device_eval_batch_size 2  --config_name gpt2-large --tokenizer_name gpt2-large --do_train --do_eval --output_dir ./wikitext103-GPTLarge