What is this?

The main idea of this checklist is to gather as much information as possible about home maintenance that every homeowner need to do all year round.

The main points are divided by months. Where appropriate, a day of the month is set as a recommendation.

This list is gathered by personal experience but I will be happy if more and more people contribute with ideas.

Feel free to raise pull request with your changes to the checklist.


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Replace batteries on all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Vacuum the fridge-freezer coils (the back of the fridge-freezer) This will help to keep the fridge running as efficiently as possible.
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Check exterior drainage
    • Check the gutters, make sure they are clean (They usually have leaves from fall and some dirt from the winter snow/rain)
    • Inspect the exterior of your home (Check for chipping paint, holes and/or crack on the walls. Make sure there are no cracks on the foundations.)
  • Check roof for damage and leaks (If a repair is needed and you are not sure you can do it yourself, hire a professional.)
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Check garage door functions properly (open/close)
  • Check bathroom(s), kitchen(s), sink(s) for limescale This will extend the life of your tiled surfaces.
  • Remove showerheads and clean sediment
  • Inspect plumbing for leaks Check your bathroom(s), kitchen(s), toilet(s) and every pipe you have around your home.
  • Clean and repair deck/patio Summer is a great time for some DIY work
  • Clean the garage Make sure you sell everything you do not need anymore. This may give you some extra money to reinvest in your home.
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Replace batteries on all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Vacuum the fridge-freezer coils (the back of the fridge-freezer) This will help to keep the fridge running as efficiently as possible.
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Get your chimney cleaned.
  • Check driveway/pavement for cracks.
  • Tighten any handles on racks and drawers.
  • Check all locks on all of the doors.
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer


  • Check all carbon monoxide and/or smoke alarms (a.k.a carbon dioxide alarms/sensors)
  • Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)
  • Run water and flush toilets in unused spaces.
  • Cleanup filters - washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer