
Our JTC WOW Project - A restaurant 'journal'

Primary LanguagePython

wow_project - FOODME!

A restaurant 'journal' that allows users to track thier person culinary journey and the experiences they had at each restaurant

Home Page

The landing page for all users that gives them the option to search for a restaurant or add a new one.

Search Restaurant Page

The page that a user lands on when they chose to search for an existing restaurant or view a list of all the restaurants in the jounal.

Restaurant Profile Page

Once a user choses a restaurant they will land on the restaurant profile page. In this location they can view previous reviews as well as add, edit, and deltete existing reviews.

Add Restuartant Page

The page that the user lands on when they chose to add a restaurant to the journal. Once a restaurant has been added they will be redirected to the restauant profile page to document their experience at the restaurant.

To Use

Windows OS

1. Create a virtual environment

Make a virtual environment in the main folder

python3 -m venv venv

2. Run the virtual environment


3. Install the requirements

pip install -r requirements

Mac OS

1. Create a virtual environment

Make a virtual environment in the main folder

python3 -m venv venv

2. Run the virtual environment

source django-env/bin/activate

3. Install the requirements

pip install -r requirements

pip3 install django-phonenumber-field[phonenumbers]

4. Run Django server

python3 manage.py runserver

5. Go to web page http://localhost:8000

6. Your jouney begins!


Allison Kroboth -42-allison-k

Blaine Reid -Blaine-Reid

Chris Kazas -ChrisKazas