Brain-Tumor-Classification (98% Accurate)

In this project, I used a residual neural-network on brain scan data to create a model that, given a brain scan image, can predict whether or not the image has a brain tumor. The image below shows the a sample of the images in the dataset used.

Concepts used in this project:

Deep Learning

  • Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Residual Neural Networks

Data Visualization:

  • Matplotlib

How to recreate the results in this project:

  • Download the dataset used in this project from here
  • put the dataset in a folder called Brain Tumor Dataset and put it in the same directory as the files in this repository
  • Download all the dependencies namely: Tensorflow, matplotlib, pandas and numpy
  • Open the Resnet.ipynb file and run the cells.

Potential Improvements to this project

  • Setting a learning rate decay
  • Adding a regularization such as a drop out layer after a convolution block or an identity block