Heart Disease Classification

In this project, I used different machine learning algorithms to on health data to come up with a model that can predict a heart disease subtype given data.


This project has interactive charts that do not show up on github. To view the nice rendering of the notebook, click here or clone this repository and run the project on your local computer.

Below are a few plots from the Exploratory Data Analysis performed on this dataset:

Concepts used in this project

  • Data cleaning and data Exploration with Pandas
  • Interactive Data Visualization with Altair
  • Data preprocessing in preparation for modelling
  • Machine learning modelling with Support Vector Machines and Random Forest
  • Model Evaluation

How to recreate this project:

  • Install dependencies namely : Pandas, sklearn, numpy, Altair
  • Clone or Download this repository and open it in a preffered IDE (I preffer Jupyter Notebooks with Anaconda)
  • Open the Analysis.ipynb file and run the cells

Happy Coding!!!!!!