
Poster, paper and plot for GISRUK conference

Primary LanguageHTML

GISR 2022 Reproducible Poster, paper and plots

Poster, paper and plot for GISRUK conference

First run “dutchcityzones.R” in the plots folder to downlaod shape files from CBS and generate 3_regions.png

All packages are on the CRAN except for postr which can be installed using:


Run GISR_poster.Rmd

This outputs a html, unfortunately this doesn’t display well in a browser in the way I have configured the poster.

Run Render.R to generate the .png from the html. Can adjust the height and width will calculate based on the ratio of an A1 page which has been defined.

I had some trouble getting the images to display where I wanted them. In the concentration window the images sat nicely below the text and seem to adjust when there was more or less text, however for the other windows they stubbornly displayed in the middle of the window and text went behind. I ran out of time to solve this so had to compromise on some info I wanted to show, but hopefully can find a solution for the future.