BlaiseKelly's Following
- NowosadMünster, Germany
- nrennieLancaster University
- wpgpUniversity of Southampton
- kcreditNational Centre for Geocomputation - Maynooth University
- pietrostefaniUnited Kingdom
- Froguin99Newcastle Upon Tyne
- rogerbeechamUniversity of Leeds
- TNOThe Netherlands
- swhustla@20treeAI
- davidcarslawUniversity of York, Ricardo
- rich-iannone@posit-dev
- dabreegsterThe Alan Turing Institute & Active Travel England
- stevecrawshawWest of England Combined Authority
- jack-davisonRicardo
- karlropkinsUniversity of Leeds
- mtennekes
- RobinlovelaceUniversity of Leeds
- mem48University of Leeds
- itsleedsLeeds, UK
- Ziqi-LiFlorida State University
- Bellador
- patrickballantyneLiverpool, UK
- skgrange
- s-u