
1D game for Ludum Dare 28

Primary LanguageCSS


BL1ND is a one-dimensional concept game. It was made in 48 hours on the weekend of December 13, 2013 as part of the 28th Ludum Dare competition. It won first place in the innovation category.


Everyone knows that a photograph is a 2D image of a 3D world. Take this spinning cube for example:


When the colors of light travel from the object to the camera, they pass through and mark the photo, creating the colored pixels of the image. You can imagine the same scenario from a top-down perspective. Incidentally, this is the same as imagining a 1D image of a 2D object.


You can imagine a cylinder-shaped photo as a means to capture a panorama in a circle, again shown in a top-down illustration, but with more objects.



My intention is to make an experiment to see if a person can interpret a 2D world with just a 1D image, in a similar way that we can interpret a 3D world with a 2D image.

I also want to wrap it in an emotionally compelling environment with a dark atmosphere and emotional story to heighten the gravity and challenge of blindness.


This game runs on HTML5 Canvas. It is made from scratch in plain javascript, with boiler-plate code ripped from my Pterodactyl Attack engine that you can read about at http://pteroattack.com.

The game also includes the quick map editor I made for the game. (mapper.html)