Lightweight python API to USGS earthquake dataset. API Docs are located here
Clone the repo to your system and install
$ git clone
$ cd quaker
$ pip install .
This package comes equipped with a batteries-included CLI interface for downloading the latest earthquake event data in CSV, GeoJSON, and plain text format from the USGS database.
usage: quaker [-h] [--format VAL] [--endtime TIME] [--starttime TIME] [--updatedafter TIME] [--minlatitude LAT]
[--minlongitude LNG] [--maxlatitude LAT] [--maxlongitude LNG] [--latitude LAT] [--longitude LNG]
[--maxradius VAL] [--maxradiuskm DIST] [--catalog VAL] [--contributor VAL] [--eventid VAL]
[--includeallmagnitudes BOOL] [--includeallorigins BOOL] [--includedeleted VAL]
[--includesuperceded BOOL] [--limit VAL] [--maxdepth VAL] [--maxmagnitude VAL] [--mindepth VAL]
[--minmagnitude VAL] [--offset VAL] [--orderby VAL] [--alertlevel VAL] [--callback VAL]
[--eventtype VAL] [--jsonerror BOOL] [--kmlanimated BOOL] [--kmlcolorby VAL] [--maxcdi VAL]
[--maxgap VAL] [--maxmmi VAL] [--maxsig VAL] [--mincdi VAL] [--minfelt VAL] [--mingap VAL]
[--minsig VAL] [--producttype VAL] [--productcode VAL] [--reviewstatus VAL]
Access USGS Earthquake dataset API Docs: NOTE: All times use
ISO8601 Date/Time format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss). UTC is assumed. NOTE: Minimum/maximum longitude values may
cross the date line at 180 or -180
positional arguments:
mode action to perform (default: download)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--format VAL specify the output format (one of "csv", "geojson", "kml", "quakeml", "text", or
--endtime TIME limit to events on or before the specified end time.
--starttime TIME limit to events on or after the specified start time.
--updatedafter TIME limit to events updated after the specified time.
Location - rectangle:
--minlatitude LAT limit to events with a latitude larger than the specified minimum [-90, 90].
--minlongitude LNG limit to events with a longitude larger than the specified minimum [-360, 360].
--maxlatitude LAT limit to events with a latitude smaller than the specified maximum [-90, 90].
--maxlongitude LNG limit to events with a longitude smaller than the specified maximum [-360, 360].
Location - circle:
--latitude LAT specify the latitude to be used for a radius search [-90, 90].
--longitude LNG specify the longitude to be used for a radius search [-180, 180].
--maxradius VAL limit to events within the specified maximum number of degrees from the geographic
point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters [0, 180].
--maxradiuskm DIST limit to events within the specified maximum number of kilometers from the geographic
point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters [0, 20001.6].
--catalog VAL limit to events from a specified catalog.
--contributor VAL limit to events contributed by a specified contributor.
--eventid VAL select a specific event by id; event identifiers are data center specific.
--includeallmagnitudes BOOL
specify if all magnitudes for the event should be included.
--includeallorigins BOOL
specify if all origins for the event should be included.
--includedeleted VAL specify if deleted products and events should be included. the value "only" returns
only deleted events. values "true" or "false" are typecast to bool.
--includesuperceded BOOL
specify if superseded products should be included. this also includes all deleted
products, and is mutually exclusive to the includedeleted parameter.
--limit VAL limit the results to the specified number of events.
--maxdepth VAL limit to events with depth less than the specified maximum.
--maxmagnitude VAL limit to events with a magnitude smaller than the specified maximum.
--mindepth VAL limit to events with depth more than the specified minimum.
--minmagnitude VAL limit to events with a magnitude larger than the specified minimum.
--offset VAL return results starting at the event count specified, starting at 1.
--orderby VAL order the results (one of "time", "time-asc", "magnitude", or "magnitude-asc").
--alertlevel VAL limit to events with a specific pager alert level (one of "green", "yellow", "orange",
or "red").
--callback VAL convert geojson output to a jsonp response using this callback.
--eventtype VAL limit to events of a specific type
--jsonerror BOOL request json(p) formatted output even on api error results. (only for geojson format)
--kmlanimated BOOL whether to include timestamp in generated kml, for google earth animation support.
--kmlcolorby VAL how earthquakes are colored (one of "age", "depth").
--maxcdi VAL maximum value for maximum community determined intensity reported by dyfi [0, 12].
--maxgap VAL limit to events with no more than this azimuthal gap [0, 360].
--maxmmi VAL maximum value for maximum modified mercalli intensity reported by shakemap [0, 12].
--maxsig VAL limit to events with no more than this significance.
--mincdi VAL minimum value for maximum community determined intensity reported by dyfi [0, 12].
--minfelt VAL limit to events with this many dyfi responses.
--mingap VAL limit to events with no less than this azimuthal gap [0, 360].
--minsig VAL limit to events with no less than this significance.
--producttype VAL limit to events that have this type of product associated.
--productcode VAL return the event that is associated with the productcode.
--reviewstatus VAL limit to events with a specific review status (one of "all", "automatic", or
Run quaker download
and specify the parameters as keyword arguments and pipe the output to any
$ quaker download --format csv --starttime 2022-08-01 --endtime 2022-09-01 > earthquake_data.csv
For more details on the available query parameters, use quaker --help
or view the
USGS documentation.
Using the python API is also fairly straight-forward:
>>> from quaker import Query, Client
>>> client = Client()
# An empty query defaults to all events in the last 30 days
>>> events_from_last_30_days = Query()
>>> client.execute(events_from_last_30_days, output_file="./path/to/example/output_1.csv")
# Large multi-page queries can also be handled
>>> events_from_last_5_months = Query(
... format="csv",
... starttime="2022-05-01",
... endtime="2022-10-01",
... )
>>> client.execute(events_from_last_5_months, output_file="./path/to/example/output_2.csv")
# Calling `client.execute` without an output file return results as a pandas DataFrame
>>> results = client.execute(events_from_last_5_months)
# You can filter results by location using the API
>>> fields = {
... "format": "csv",
... "starttime": "2022-08-01",
... "endtime": "2022-09-01",
... "latitude": 35.652832,
... "longitude": 139.839478,
... "maxradiuskm": 120.0,
... "minmagnitude": 3.0,
... }
>>> events_in_august_in_120km_within_tokyo_above_mag_3 = Query(**fields)
>>> client.execute(
... events_in_august_in_120km_within_tokyo_above_mag_3,
... output_file="./path/to/example/output_3.csv"
... )
# See `help(Query)` and for more details
This is a small personal project, but pull requests are most welcome!
- Code is styled using
(pip install black
) - Code is linted with
(pip install pylint
) - Requirements are managed using
(runpip install pip-tools
if needed)- Add dependencies by adding packages to
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- Add dependencies by adding packages to
- Semantic versioning is used in this repo
- Major version: rare, substantial changes that break backward compatibility
- Minor version: most changes - new features, models or improvements
- Patch version: small bug fixes and documentation-only changes
Virtual environment handling by poetry
is preferred:
# in the project directory
$ poetry install
$ poetry shell