First version of my UNITY based game in C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


First version of my UNITY based game in C# re-submit

Game Name: ~ ZEAGER_V.0 ~

ZEAGER is the name of my game i created with unity in C#. This game has one character you can use to move around within the game. While moving, i have set up some objects that the character object can collect and will be displayed in a counter.

How it is made:

This project uses the UNITY engine to create everythin in the project. I aquired some free source external assets that i downloaded into the UNITY app. I then used these assets to create my game. Some examples include, SpriteSheets, TileSheets, Audio for sound effects, Graphical effects like particles and coded the Scripts in C#.


If i had more time, i would add more functionality to my game by creating a U.I with statistical content like player health, player equipment, and other information.

I would also have expanded the world the character can explore before seting the project online to download.

I will keep updating this app in the future.