An easy way to use Aliyun DirectMail to send emails,
use Aliyun Short Message Service to send messages.
go get
package main
import (
directmail ""
sms ""
func main() {
// email
directmailAPI := directmail.NewAPI(host, accessKeyID, accessSecret, regionID, version, accountName, fromAlias)
code, body, err := directmailAPI.SingleSendMail(emails, subject, "", textBody)
fmt.Printf("code: %d, body: %s, err: %v\n", code, body, err)
// sms
smsAPI := sms.NewAPI(host, accessKeyID, accessSecret, regionID, version)
resp, err := smsAPI.SendSms(phones, signName, templateCode, templateParam)
fmt.Printf("resp: %+v, err: %v\n", resp, err)
This project is under Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.