This is a library of components built with Angular Material Angular Flex-Layout and Angular InstantSearch.
This library is in pre-alpha. Breaking changes will accur often and documentation will be limited.
Major versions will attempt to keep in line with Angular releases and we will keep past major versions available on branches in the repository
We use the fantastic compodoc library to generate our documentation. Simply run npm run compodoc:lib
from the root folder to build and serve library docs locally on localhost:8080
, or run npm run compodoc:app
to build and serve sandbox app docs at localhost:8081
. We are fleshing out the docs more everyday so definitions and examples should become the norm for all modules. It does have trouble watching for changes so you may need to rerun regulary if you're expecting the documentation to keep up while developing.
Imports and exports all @angular/material
componenst and @angular/flex-layout
to be used with components for this library. Can be used to import all components into the app code if desired.
A library of customized angular-instantsearch
components built with @angular/material
search-box: Filters
using text search. Defaults to"[searchOnKeyUp]="true"
. -
pagination: Simple pagination interface to page through
. -
autocomplete: Emits selected item from autocompleting form input.
filter-select: Allows to easily refine search instance by binding to a facet (a facet can be created via algolia console). Pass
as an input parameter, with the name of the facet on which you would like to filter. Pass[multiple]="true"
to allow selection of multiple facet values on which to filter. -
filter-chiplist: Similar to
but consists of an autocompleting chiplist, with the results of<ais-hits>
limited to filter on values of selected chips. -
algolia-attribution: 'Powered by Algolia' attribution to display where necesarry
Better documentation of component usage will be available in coming months, but for now examples of usage can be found in the repository under /src/app/examples.
A module design to generate forms when passed a JSON configuration. Created following this excellent guide by Todd Motto, then expanded to enable recursively nested formGroups and conditionally showing form fields, and add Material Design components. More features to come
The shape of the group config object had to change to enable recursively checking for subgroups inside the main form group. So, now instead of being an array of control configs the FormConfig is an object with a controlName, controlGroup, and a fields array. New usage below. Additionally, instead of emitting the form.value on submission the the dynamic-form-component emits the whole form object. This gives the end developer the power to check form validity, disabled status and anything else available on the FormGroup object.
In component.html
In component.ts
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Validators, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
import { ControlType, FormConfig } from 'tft-library';
import { ConditionalFieldsService } from 'tft-library';
import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
* Custom rxjs operator determines if string is blank after trim
* returns false if blank else true
const isNotBlank = () => map( (value: string) => !!value.trim().length );
selector: 'app-dynamic-form',
templateUrl: './dynamic-form.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./dynamic-form.component.scss']
export class DynamicFormComponent implements OnInit {
// configuration object used to build out form
config: FormConfig = {
controlType: 'group',
controlName: 'myForm',
// the fields array holds an array of configurations for the fields you want to create, including nested form group configs
fields: [
controlType: ControlType.INPUT,
label: 'First name',
inputType: 'text',
controlName: 'firstName',
placeholder: 'Enter your first name',
classes: [],
flexLayoutConfig: {fxFlex: 40},
validators: [Validators.required],
// an input with conditional display logic
// the showField parameter takes a function that that returns an observable that resolve to a boolean
// you get the observable from form.get('someControlName').valueChanges
// as demonstrated in this.firstnameIsNotBlank defined below
controlType: ControlType.INPUT,
label: 'Last name',
controlName: 'lastName',
placeholder: 'Enter your last name',
flexLayoutConfig: {fxFlex: 40},
showField: this.firstNameIsNotBlank
controlType: ControlType.GROUP,
controlName: 'nestedGroup',
fields: [
controlType: 'input',
label: 'Nested input',
controlName: 'nestedInput',
placeholder: 'Favorite band',
flexLayoutConfig: {fxFlex: 40},
controlType: ControlType.SELECT,
label: 'Select with options passed in as an array',
controlName: 'isSmokerArray',
flexLayoutConfig: {fxFlex: 40},
placeholder: 'Have you smoked in the last six months',
options: [
{label: 'YES', value: 'yes'},
{label: 'NO', value: 'no'}
controlType: ControlType.SELECT,
label: 'Select with options passed in as observable',
controlName: 'isSmokerObservable',
flexLayoutConfig: {fxFlex: 40},
placeholder: 'Have you smoked in the last six months',
options$: of([
{label: 'Yes', value: 'yes'},
{label: 'No', value: 'no'}
controlType: ControlType.SELECT,
label: 'Select with options passed in by a function that returns a promise that resolves to an array',
controlName: 'isSmokerPromis',
flexLayoutConfig: {fxFlex: 40},
placeholder: 'Have you smoked in the last six months',
optionsCallback: () => {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout( () => {
{label: 'Yes', value: 'yes'},
{label: 'No', value: 'no'}
}, 5000);
// this control only shows when 'isSmoker' control has value of 'yes'
// it uses a helper function, watchControlForValues from the ConditionalFieldsService to simplify process of checking form fields for values
controlType: ControlType.INPUT,
inputType: 'number',
label: 'Smoking Regularity',
controlName: 'smokingRegularity',
placeholder: 'Packs per week',
flexLayoutConfig: {fxFlex: 40},
// showField again but this time using a helper function from the conditionalFields service
// this expects a form: FormGroup and config that descibes what control to watch
showField: this.conditionalFields.watchControlForValues,
// and the corresponding configuration
// when this function get called on the generated component,
// this configuration tells the service to watch 'isSmoker' control for a value of 'yes'.
// More values can be watched for, just add them to the array
displayConfig: {
controlName: 'isSmokerArray',
values: ['yes']
label: 'Submit',
controlName: 'submit',
controlType: ControlType.BUTTON,
private conditionalFields: ConditionalFieldsService,
) { }
ngOnInit() {
formSubmitted(formValue: FormGroup) {
console.log('formValue', formValue);
* example of how to build a custom function that returns an Observable that resolves to a boolean
* notice lack of subcribe() call, the field component manages subcription for you
* @param form entire form, used to grab the firstName formControl and listen for changes
* @returns an observable that listen for changes on the firstName formControl and resolves to true when value string is longer than zero
firstNameIsNotBlank(form: FormGroup): Observable<boolean> {
return form.get('firstName').valueChanges.pipe(
// implementing custom rxjs operator from top of file
In component.scss if adding class to field config
//!! ::ng-deep is required to pierce style encapsulation {
background: blue !important;
- dynamic validation logic ( to correspond with dynamic display logic e.g. if control is displayed it is required, else it is not. ??? remove control from formGroup on hide ??? )
- more control types ( radios, button toggles, multi-select, etc.. until we have everything in the Angular Material Library covered )
enable passing of styles, classes, flex-layout attributes through config to formhandle configs with nested form groups and form arraysdynamic display logic ( show hide controls based on selected values of another control e.g. select: male | female, if female show question asking if currently pregnant )pass validators through config
This library started as a clone of Angular Instantsearch that had been modified to implement the @angular/material
library, which had the benefit of being highly customizable but required a lot of maintenance to stay abreast of updates to dependencies. Recently, the Angular Instanstsearch team documented how to create custom widgets, which gives us the benifits of feature release and bug fixes performed by them as well as the ability to create costom Material Design components that easily utilize InstantSearch. Unfortunately, this created some break changes, but most are easy to fix with a simple find-replace from your IDE.
- Need to
import { NgAisModule } from 'angular-instantsearch'
in modules that consume tft-search components and add toimports
array of module <tft-filter-list></tft-filter-list>
Please post an issue if you have difficulty upgrading se we can update documentation.
The old library is available here. There are no plans to maintain as the structure of the library has made it overly difficult to test, debug, and integrate into applications. Moving forward we plan on providing bug fixes and light maintenance for each major release for two major release cycles e.g. v6 will be maintained until v8 is release.