This is the Express (Node.js) backend of the current golpo project. Site -
But there are things we are changing from the current Golpo. We will use Golpo as a link sharing platform. And it will be free for eveyone! Future plan involves link management (collection of links and sorting) and sharing collection.
So here is our plan -
- Verify post is only a link.
- Extract meta data from link and save them in the database.
- Do not allow to share the same link in 24 hours.
- Add like count and people who liked the post.
- Add follow functionality.
- Convert from React to Svelte.
- Separate page for chats and user chat. (Chats are list of users who I have chat with in the past and UserChat is a single user chatting interface)
- Profile edit page or modal.
- Send message to user button and modal.
Run docker for mongodb -
docker-compose up -d
Set env variables -
set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport;
(see config.js for all env variables)
Run the server -
npm install
npm start
To get some demo data run this -
npm run bootstrap
Here is the Postman collection - Golpo Postman
Here are the tasks - Hacktoberfest
(Tasks are being added daily)
Feel free to enhance code and make express better! 😃
Please test before creating PR 🙏
Visit the Svelte repo -