
A web scraper that downloads the patch notes for the game Eve Echoes

Primary LanguagePython


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This is a web scraper to extract the patch notes for the game Eve Echoes. It searches on https://www.eveechoes.com/news/updata/ for all published patch notes and downloads them. After downloading they can be combined into a single html file which can be used to search for specific updates.


Make sure to install the required packages from the requirements.txt file. This script was tested with Python 3.10.

Command line help:

usage: main.py [-h] [-c] [-f] [-url URL] [-r RATELIMIT] [-rd RATELIMIT_RND_FAC] [-cp COPY_TO] {load_all,load_new,export_html,load_all_export,load_new_export} output_path
Patch notes scrapper for the game Eve Echoes                                                                                                                             
positional arguments:                                                                                                                                                    
                        Select the mode, must be load_all, load_new, export_html, load_all_export, load_new_export                                                       
  output_path           The output directory                                                                                                                             
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --cache           Use the cached patch note urls (new patch notes will be missing), only effective for load_all
  -f, --force_reload    Reload and overwrite already (locally) saved patch notes, only effective for load_all
  -url URL              The url for the patch notes, should contain {index} for the page number
  -r RATELIMIT, --ratelimit RATELIMIT
                        The delay between http requests in seconds
  -rd RATELIMIT_RND_FAC, --ratelimit_rnd_fac RATELIMIT_RND_FAC
                        A factor that gets multiplied with a random number between 0 and 1, the result will get added to the rate limit (will be random for every request)
  -cp COPY_TO, --copy_to COPY_TO
                        Copy the generated html to the target path


The argument output_path specifies the directory for saving the downloaded and processed files. There are three different modes available, the path should stay the same for all modes (as they all use the same files). The raw patch note files can be found in output_path/patch_notes.

It is also possible to combine one of the two loading modes with the html export. For example load_new_export will chain load_all and export_html.


This mode loads all patch notes that are available and downloads them. While doing so, it generates a cache file containing all found patch notes (but not the content itself). This cache can be reused via the -c / --cache argument. This will save time as the loading of all available patch notes requires a lot of requests.

By default, the scraper will only download the patch notes that are not yet saved locally. If the patch note was already downloaded, it will be skipped. A reload of old patch notes can be forced via the -f / --force_reload argument.

The scraper will apply a randomised rate limit to all requests, the rate limit is calculated in seconds and can be adjusted with the -r / --ratelimit and --ratelimit_rnd_fac arguments. The formula is as follows:



This mode will only load the latest patch notes, until it finds a page that only contains old patch notes. It is recommended to use this mode for updating the patch notes as this moda drastically reduces the number of requests compared to load_all.


This mode uses the downloaded data from the previous two modes and generates a complete html file containing all patch notes. The output file can be found under output_path/patch_notes.html (with **{PATH}** being the specified output directory). The generated html file does not use any external files and does not use any JavaScript. It can be used as a standalone website. You can find and customize the template in resources/patch_notes_template.html.

The template contains two elements with ids:

<br id="timestamp"/>

This tag will get replaced with the current timestamp (in ISO-format, e.g. 2023-09-20 19:20).

<div class="content" id="patch-notes">


This div will get filled with all patch notes. Every patch note is in a <div> by itself which has the class patch-note an id like patch-note-2023-09-20 which can be used for linking to a specific patch note. The header of the patch note is a div with class patch-title and the content is inside a div with classpatch-content.


It is recommended to install this programm in a python venv. To do so, use the command

python -m venv /path/to/EEPatchNotesExtractor

Depending on the installed python versions, a specific version might have to be specified, e.g. python3 -m ... or python3.11 -m ....

Inside the folder the venv can be activated with source bin/activate (Linux) or venv\Scripts\activate (Windows). The exact command might differ depending on your OS. When the venv is activated, the script can be executed via

# Initial loading with reduced rate limits.
python main.py load_all_export data -r 0.5 --ratelimit_rnd_fac 0.5

# Loads only the new patch notes and creates the .html
python main.py load_new_export data


This section describes on how to automate the updating using a systemd Service (Linux). This requires that the program has been installed as shown above. An example systemd service might look as follows. In this example, the program is installed in /home/echoesnotes/extractor/ (such that the main.py is located within the extractor directory).

The service automatically downloads the new patch notes (the program gets executed as the user echoesnotes for safety reasons) and afterward the html file gets copied into the webserver directory (in this case /var/www/html).

Make sure the whole user directory belongs to the user, if you did upload the files as root (or another user), the permissions will be screwed up. In that case use

chown -R echoesnotes:echoesnotes /home/echoesnotes
# or
chown -R echoesnotes /home/echoesnotes

to fix the permissions. You can add a user with

adduser echoesnotes --system

The --system parameter will make a user that can not be logged in like a regular user, you also won't have to define a password.

Now you have to create the service:

# echoesnotes.service
Description=Eve Echoes Patch Notes Extractor

ExecStart=/home/echoesnotes/extractor/bin/python main.py load_new_export data
# Copy with root privileges (+) to www directory
ExecStartPost=+cp /home/echoesnotes/extractor/data/patch_notes.html /var/www/html/EveEchoesPatchNotes.html


To run it automatic every week, we also need a timer. This will run the script every wednesday at 12:00 local time. Depending on your servers timezone, you have to adjust the time accordingly.

# echoesnotes.timer
Description=Run the Eve Echoes Patch Notes Extractor every week after the maintenance.

OnCalendar=Wed *-*-* 12:00:00


Both files have to be saved/copied to /etc/systemd/system. Enable the .timer afterward:

systemctl enable echoesnotes.timer
systemctl start echoesnotes.timer

Do not enable the echoesnotes.service or else it will get executed after every reboot (unless that's what you want). But you can manually start the update script once with

systemctl start echoesnotes.service