
Export data from an eve echoes static data export into an sqlite3 database.

Primary LanguagePython

Eve Echoes Data Tools

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This tool is designed to export static data from the game. This tool does NOT decompile/extract data from the APK. The apk has to be already extracted/decompiled. To do so, use xforce/eve-echoes-tools. The data gets exported into a sqlite3 database called echoes.db.

At the moment of writing, xforce/eve-echoes-tools is broken. Please use my forks of eve-echoes-tools AND neox-tools (it is crucial to use the lates version of neox-tools, the old one is broken).

The eve-echoes-tools also contains detailed installation and usage instruction.

At the moment this tool is capable of exporting the following data (the data should be compatible with the SWEET db format, but is not completed/tested at the moment):

Items/module data:
    items (all items from the game)
    attributes, item_attributes, item_effects, item_nanocores, 
    modifier_definition, modifier_value, item_modifiers,
    blueprints, blueprint_cost
General data:
    unit (al units from the game, e.g. m/s, kg, ...)
    categories, groups, types
    localised_strings (translations)
Universe data:
    celestials (only "normal" celestials and stargates;  NPC stations are WIP)
    plane_exploit (planetary production)

Instructions on how to use it will follow, for now just make sure you have the following directory structure

Copy the required files/directory or the whole staticdata directory from eve-echoes-tools

eve-echoes-data/ (this folder name doesn't matter)
    main.py and other stuff from this repo

Please launch the script with python main.py -m <one or more modes>, these are the available modes:

lang:   Loads language files
base:   Loads basic stuff like groups and categories
attrs:  Loads attributes
items:  Loads items
item_extra: Loads extra data for items, like reprocessing data and repackaging volume
bps:        Loads manufacturing blueprints (Reverse Engineerin BPs are WIP)
item_attrs: Loads attributes of items
modifier:   Loads modifier data
universe:   Loads universe data (regions, systems,...)
cobalt:     Initilaizes the system connections in Cobalt Edge
planet_exploit: Loads planetary production data


python extract_data.py -m items lang base universe planet_exploit

This will export the data into a sqlite3 database by default. You can specify another database via the -db <url> and --dialect <sqlite|mysql> argument. For example:

python extract_data.py -db "mariadb+mariadbconnector://user:password@localhost:3306/database" --dialect mysql

python extract_data.py -db "sqlite+pysqlite:///echoes.db" --dialect sqlite

Please make sure to install the required dependencies for your database, e.g. mariadb if you want to use a MariaDB database. You can also force the database to get dropped before reloading, to ensure that no wrong data gets persisted. To do so, append the --drop parameter.

You can find useful SQL commands in useful_sql_cmds.md.

Command Line Interface

There is also a WIP CLI, that can get used to access the data, e.g:

python data_cli.py -db "sqlite+pysqlite:///echoes.db" --dialect sqlite