
This project serves as an alternative to the official Codeium Neovim/Vim plugin, but using the Open-Codeium-Engine instead.


  • Ai Code Completion using codebase context
  • Ai Chat


Code Completion Chat


First follow the setup instructions in the engine repository. Second, add BlazeMCworld/open-codeium.nvim to your plugins, and MunifTanjim/nui.nvim to its dependencies.

Once done, configure the keybinds. Here is an example:

local codeium = require("codeium")
vim.keymap.set("i", "<Tab>", function()
    if codeium.completions.is_shown() then
        vim.fn.feedkeys("    ", "i")
vim.keymap.set("i", "<M-Right>",
vim.keymap.set("i", "<M-Left>", codeium.completions.prev)

Valid methods are:

  • codeium.completions.is_shown() If a completion is shown at the moment.
  • codeium.completions.accept() Accept the current completion.
  • Show the next completion.
  • codeium.completions.prev() Show the previous completion.
  • codeium.completions.dispose() Reject the suggestions.


Firstly, you will need to login, for that use :CodeiumLogin. Once that is done you can use your specified keybindings for the completions. For getting better completions, you will most likely want to use :CodeiumIndexAdd with a file or directory, to add it to the index. The indexing happens locally, and may take a bit. When specifying a directory, all files will be added recursively. Files already indexed will be skipped, unless they were changed since then. You are recommended to setup a .codeiumignore file, according to the documentation in the engine repository, in case you want to automatically exclude files. For opening the chat, just use :CodeiumChat, the chat history will be kept, as long as neovim is open, or until you type /clear (or its alias /new) into the chat box.