A framework free and themeable web component that captures an annotated screenshot and description of a web page.
Add the following to the head
of the document.
<script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@blaze/customer-feedback/dist/customer-feedback/customer-feedback.esm.js"></script>
Place this web component at the bottom of the body element:
Under the hood customer-feedback uses it's position in HTML and a high z-index to ensure it remains on top of the content of your web page, however you may still experience layering issues if you have similar code that overlays all content.
If you'd like to use this component inside a React app firstly install the package:
npm i @blaze/customer-feedback
then add the following code to the start up routine (usually index.js):
import { defineCustomElements } from '@blaze/customer-feedback/loader';
- the header for the modal
- the text that appears above the description box
- a boolean attribute to enable screen capture
<customer-feedback header="..." instruction="..." screenshot></customer-feedback>
- opens the modal
- resets the data and closes the modal
await document.querySelector('customer-feedback').show();
- event emitted with the description and screenshot data
document.querySelector('customer-feedback').addEventListener('feedback', function (e) {
Copy and paste the following into a terminal and press enter.
git clone git@github.com:BlazeSoftware/customer-feedback.git
cd customer-feedback
npm i
npm start
It's as simple as that.
Get it running locally, make changes and raise a PR 🔥