
Property naming strategy for Jackson integration does not work

billysoderlund opened this issue · 3 comments


I am trying to deserialize json with snake case json properties to entity views with lower camel case properties. I have tried to add the strategy to both the jackson object mapper builder and the entity view aware object mapper without success. It works for regular classes and interfaces but not entity views. Am I missing something here or is this a bug?

Expected behavior

Properties like "created_at" should deserialize to "createdAt".

Actual behavior

Properties does not get set and end up being null.

Steps to reproduce

    fun jsonCustomizer(): Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer =
        Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer { it

    fun evaObjectMapper(evm: EntityViewManager, mapper: ObjectMapper): EntityViewAwareObjectMapper {
        mapper.propertyNamingStrategy = PropertyNamingStrategies.SNAKE_CASE
        return EntityViewAwareObjectMapper(evm, mapper)


Version: 1.6.11
JPA-Provider: Spring Data JPA
Application Server: Spring Boot

This should work. Blaze-Persistence delegates the serialization process to Jackson after it created the object. Can you please share the exception that you're getting and an example?

The serialization part works, but "de"-serialization does not. I don't get an error, the properties just deserializes to null.

This also goes when adding custom to the object mapper builder. If I do something like this, the serializers works but the overridden function for deserializers is never called.

fun jsonCustomizer(): Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer =
    Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer { it

internal class LifeCycleStatusSerializer : StdSerializer<LifeCycleStatus>( {
    override fun serialize(status: LifeCycleStatus, generator: JsonGenerator, provider: SerializerProvider) {

internal class LifeCycleStatusDeserializer : StdDeserializer<LifeCycleStatus>( {
    override fun deserialize(jsonParser: JsonParser, context: DeserializationContext): LifeCycleStatus {
        val node: JsonNode = jsonParser.codec.readTree(jsonParser)
        return LifeCycleStatus.valueOf(node["life_cycle_status_id"].asInt())

Ok, let me correct this

Blaze-Persistence delegates the serialization and deserialization process to Jackson after it created the object.

Can you maybe provide a reproducer for this in this test class?