
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

BlazeUtils is a utility collection for java based projects.

What is it?

BlazeUtils is a utility collection for Java SE 6 and EE 6 environments,
that can be used to simplify the usage of various APIs and frameworks like
Reflection API, JPA, JavaMail, Quartz and many more.

How to use it?
Include the jars you want in your project and get started!

Contents of distribution

BlazeCommonUtils, BlazeEEUtils, BlazeMailUtils, BlazeQuartzUtils, BlazeUtilsWebapp

This distribution, as a whole, is licensed under the terms of the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt).


Project Site:              http://blazebit.com/utils (Coming soon)