
View the krangled Path of Exile skill tree

Primary LanguageHTML


Tool to generate .json node pairs for the Path of Exile Krangled Passives event.

Largely based on krangle-viewer by joonazan on github with modifications inspired by ellomenop on github and oldling.

This tool can be hosted as a website (e.g. on github pages) but I recommend just downloading and running it locally for simplicity.

How to Use

  • download this repository with git or just click Code > Download ZIP on github
  • open index.html in your browser (e.g. double click on [...]/Downloads/krangle-viewer/index.html)
  • click on a node, then use the top left search bar to find its appropriate replacement and click it
  • click 'Copy info to clipboard' to copy your changes so far in .json format
  • save your changes into a file (e.g. open Notepad, paste the .json and save it as my_krangled_passives.json)
  • convert them to PoB format using another tool (for example, my krangler python code)
  • your changes are 'saved' in your browsers local storage, so if you close index.html and open it again, your changes will reappear
  • IF YOU CLICK 'Reset to default' YOUR CHANGES WILL BE GONE FOREVER (so make sure to save a copy of my_krangled_passives.json periodically)

Features (relative to original tool by joonazan)

  • tree updates automatically on node replacement clicked
  • search bar automatically focuses when node initially clicked
  • search bar has a solid background and automatically shows/hides on click


  • node icons are krangled (sorry!) due to using older javascript skill tree data (I think this could easily be fixed by pulling newer javascript from GGG but I didn't want to break anything else)
  • ascendancy input is a bit weird, you need to scroll in/out sometimes to refresh/show the nodes