Checklearn FE Main Stage I Assessment

News Blog Application


This project is a front-end application designed to enable users to view news from various websites using the News API. The application provides a user-friendly interface with two main pages: one for displaying all news and another for selected news.


  • Two Pages:
    • All News: Displays news articles from multiple sources.
    • Selected News: Shows detailed information about a selected news article.
  • Search Field: Enables users to filter news by making API calls based on search queries.
  • Navigation Bar: Includes a logo link leading back to the homepage.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: Structure of the web pages.
  • CSS: Styling of the web pages.
  • JavaScript: Functionality and interactivity of the application.
  • News API: Fetching news data from various sources.

Project Structure

├── index.html
├── selected-news.html
├── styles.css
|── selected-news.css
|── selected-news.js
├── app.js
|── utils.js
  • index.html: Homepage displaying all news.
  • selected-news.html: Page displaying selected news details.
  • styles.css: Styles for the application.
  • app.js: Main JavaScript file handling functionality.
  • Project documentation.

How to Run the App

  1. Clone the Repository
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory
    cd checklearn-assesment-02
  3. Open index.html in Your Browser
    • You can simply double-click on the index.html file or open it using your preferred web server setup.


  • Homepage (All News)

    • Displays a list of news articles fetched from the News API.
    • Use the search field to filter news articles based on keywords.
    • Click on a news article to view its details on the Selected News page.
  • Selected News Page

    • Shows detailed information about the selected news article.
    • Use the logo link in the navigation bar to return to the homepage.