Demo Python notebooks using BlazingSQL with the RAPIDS AI ecoystem.
Notebook Title |
Description |
Launch in Colab |
Getting Started |
How to set up and get started with BlazingSQL and the RAPIDS AI suite |
Netflow |
Query 65M rows of network security data (netflow) with BlazingSQL and then pass to Graphistry to visualize and interact with the data |
Taxi |
Train a linear regression model with cuML on 55 million rows of public NYC Taxi Data loaded with BlazingSQL |
BlazingSQL vs. Apache Spark |
Analyze 20 million rows of net flow data. Compare BlazingSQL and Apache Spark timings for the same workload |
Federated Query |
In a single query, join an Apache Parquet file, a CSV file, and a GPU DataFrame (GDF) in GPU memory. |