The goal of the game is to guess an n-digit number with unique digits.
Each turn you can make a guess as to what the number is. After the guess is made and submitted, you get 2 pieces of information.
- How many of the digits in your guess are also in the answer
- How many of those correct digits are in the correct place Use those to make new guesses, eventually hopefully getting to
- Guesses must have all unique digits
- Guesses must start with a non-0 digit (because otherwise it would not be a n-digit number)
- You may not repeat guesses. (Mostly because it would not make sense to do so.)
The constraints are there to make deducing the answer easier. They essentially just help you keep track of your thinking. (Oh, and by the way, I think clicking on the 6th/bottom constraint type might crash the page. Edit: it doesn't, it just makes a line you can't remove through usual means)