This is no longer maintained, as there is an official package for local filestorage now: @medusajs/file-local.
This repo provides the plugin to get you started serving images using your filesystem. Follow the steps below to get ready. Store your images locally on your installation of Medusa e-commerce.
- Download the package
npm install medusa-plugin-filestorage-local
pnpm install medusa-plugin-filestorage-local
yarn add medusa-plugin-filestorage-local
- Register it in the
const plugins = [
resolve: "medusa-plugin-filestorage-local",
options: {
// The baseurl for your medusajs server
serverBaseUrl: process.env.MEDUSA_BACKEND_URL || "http://localhost:9000",
// when enabled saves the file as a base64 encoded string inside the database (deleting that row is not yet supported)
saveInDatabase: false, // recommended: false
// the folder where your files are stored on the server
fileLocation: "uploads/persistent/",