
Primary LanguageHTML


Project Description

In this unit, you will create a Giphy App. The Giphy App will take a search term as an input and display a random Gif in a thumbnail on the screen. To create this project, you will learn the anatomy of an API Request, use AJAX to make a simple GET request, handle a JSON response object, and use jQuery to display a gif.

Follow the steps below to make your very own site! Make sure to check off your items as you complete them. [ ] => [x]

Day 1


  • Go to the repository at https://github.com/ScriptEdcurriculum/giphy
  • Fork this repository to your github account and clone it to a new workspace
  • Review your Starter Code and make sure you understand what code has already been written for you.
  • Add, commit, and push your changes
  • Make your site live on gh-pages



  • Push your changes!

Day 2


  • Take user input from the input box when button is clicked
  • Update the API request url based on user input
  • Display the image to the screen


  • Push your changes!

Day 3


  • Complete one of the folowing extensions
    • Create a button that randomly chooses only one gif from response.
    • Display all the images in the response to the screen.
    • Create a mail_to link that will email the gif to anyone you want.
    • Make the gif pop out in a modal when clicked on.


  • Push your changes!