
Server side for Shell Geist. Currently offline

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Shell Geist

Shell Geist's logo

License: MIT

Shell Geist is a safe space for the gaming community. Our goal is to provide you with a place where you can play competitively or with others who are interested in the same games as, without any judgement or bias. Shell Geist welcomes anyone looking for personal growth from discovering more about themselves as well as improving their ability to have healthy relationships with others.

The motivation for creating Shell Geist is to make gaming more community based and easy to connect with other players. With Shell Geist, you will be able to create meaningful and healthy relationships while building strong bonds with others around you. Shell Geist is here to help facilitate connecting to other gamers via console or pc, so joining groups and events is seamless.

Whatever game you’re interested in getting better at this year, Shell Geist can help. Join the community today and help others by leaving advice or learn from others and ask questions. Think of Shell Geist as a virtual meetup. You can attend events by getting a code and joining video game lobbies, joining live discussions, and leaving your own feed back from first-hand experience. Your fellow mates have turned to Shell Geist to meet people, make friends, find support, grow a business, and explore their interests. Thousands of events are happening every day—join the fun.

React, Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, and Sequelize were used to create this application.

The deployed site can be found here.


Table of Contents:



The application is deployed here

However, if you would like to clone to your local machine:  

  1. git clone this repository and the backend repo
  2. In the project's terminal, run yarn to install the dependencies
  3. Run npm run seed in the backend repository
  4. To run the application, run yarn start in both repositories



The application is fully responsive. These screenshots are taken from a desktop computer.


Landing Page Landing Page

  Landing Page


Group Pages Groups Page

  Groups Page Continued


Interactions page Interactions Page


User Interfaces User Interfaces


Explore Page Explore Page


Messages Page Messages Page


Search Pages Search Page

  Search Page Continued

  Search Page Continued


Log in & Sign Up Log in



In a future development, Shell Geist:

  • Will use AWS to store photos
  • Will allow users to upload multiple photos



If you need any further assistance, the contact information of the group members is below. Additionally, you may email gheistshell@gmail.com or visit us on Discord @ShellGeist

Bleh Seton: