Vidly is a simply web app where you view and delete from a list of movies
Users should be able to:
- View the list of movies availiable in the database
- Delete from a movie from the database
- view the current number of movies as a user delete simultaneously from the database.
- Solution URL: solution URL
- Live Site URL: live site URL
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- React - JS library
- Styled Components - For styles
- Using Jsx.
- Rendering Lists.
- Conditional Rendering.
- Handling Events.
- Updating States.
handleDelete = (deletes) => {
const newMovies = this.state.movies.filter((m) => m._id !== deletes._id);
this.setState({ movies: newMovies });
<main className="container">
- Add where users can add their own movies to the list of movies.
- Have a backend that supports the application.
- Resource 1- This was the JavaScript library I used to create the project.
- Resource 2 - This helped me in stylying quickly.
- Linkdin- Blessing Victor O.
- Twitter - @bless_iknow
My thanks to CodeWithMosh for this practical walk through of his React course.