
A simple interpreter language written in Rust.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT



Hello and welcome to the Glang git repository. Game Slang or in short Glang is a super simple interpreted language written in Rust with the soul purpose to make pong. After making a video about it, a lot of people requested an update so I made a new version, a little better this time.


Glang was made as an experimental side project of mine and by no means was meant for serious use other than playing around. It is extremely unstable and limited.

Libraries I used

  • Unescape
  • Pixels
  • Device Query
  • Beryllium
  • Fermium
  • Zstring
  • Open


Installing the syntax highlighting Visual Studio Code extension:

  1. Grab glang-extension.zip from the repository or from the itch.io page
  2. Extract the glang folder within the .zip file into your .vscode/extensions folder (located in C:/Users/USERNAME/.vscode/extensions on Windows)
  3. Open Visual Studio Code, the extension should appear in your installed category in the extensions tab and every file ending with .glg will be highlighted correctly.

Building from source:

Since Glang code base is written in Rust building it from source should be cross platform as long as you have cargo and cmake installed:

Note: In all operating systems you'll need the most recent version of both Rust/Rustup and CMake. I addition you'll also need the libx11-dev and libxv-dev packages on Linux.

  1. Open your OS's terminal and type in git clone https://github.com/BlidDev/Glang.git.
  2. After git finishes cloning the repository cd into the Glang folder.
  3. Type in cargo build --release (building for the first time will take a bit of time since Rust imports all the libraries)
  4. Rust will create a new folder called target and one called release. Inside release you'll find the glang executable, you can now use it as mentioned bellow.


  1. Get glang.exe from building the project from source or from downloading and unzipping the itch.io release
  2. Run a script by typing in the terminal (in the same directory as the exe file) glang.exe path/to/script.glg


  1. Get glang from building the project from source or from downloading and unzipping the itch.io release
  2. Run a script by typing in the terminal (in the same directory as the program file) ./glang path/to/script.glg

Example Code

An example with no graphics:

// This code will generate and print 10 random numbers from 0 to 99

print Hello\tWorld!\n
set i, 0 
set r, 0

if i, <, 10, 3
    rng r, 0, 100
    out $r
    goto LOOP

print Finished!\n

An example of using graphics:

// This programs draws a blue diagonal line of pixels from (0,0) to (119,119)

init 848,480,212,120
set WHITE, 16777215
set BLUE, 255

set_clear $WHITE

put 119, 119, $BLUE
set i, 0

    get color, $i, $i
    if color, ==, $BLUE,2
        goto GAME_LOOP



You can find basic documentation of Glang in the attached cheatsheet

Thanks for trying out Glang! :)