
The simpliest building the Vulkan SDK from source files

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


The easiest way to build Vulkan SDK from source files. This cmake script collects Vulkan SDK and allows to development and run applications that use this API. The foundation of this script is ExternalProject module and building with command ExternalProject_Add.

How to build

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Release|Debug} dir_with_sources -DSDK_VERSION=x.x.xxx
cmake --build .

If CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE wasn't set, use Debug configuration. SDK_VERSION is numeric version, if wasn't set, then using last stable version.

How to use

All variables needed to create your application are located in build_dir/cmake/VulkanSDKConfig.cmake. You can apply them in your project by CMake command:

find_package(VulkanSDK HINTS build_dir/cmake/)

VulkanSDKConfig.cmake file contains variables:

  • VULKAN_LIBS - static vulkan files;
  • VULKAN_SHARED_LIBS - shared vulkan files;
  • VULKAN_SHARED_LIB - vulkan loader shared library;
  • VULKAN_SDK_INCLUDE_DIR - headers files;
  • VULKAN_SDK_BINARY_DIR - binaries files.

Two environment variables are also set:

  • VK_LAYER_PATH - directory with json files;
  • VK_LOADER_DEBUG - include layers (all).



  • git
  • CMake - 3.17.2

Dependencies on Linux (some extra, some not enough), example on Fedora:

  • libXext-devel.x86_64
  • libX11-devel.x86_64
  • libxcb-devel.x86_64
  • wayland-devel.x86_64
  • egl-wayland-devel.x86_64
  • libXrandr-devel.x86_64
  • wayland-protocols-devel.noarch

You should install the drivers on your graphics card. Otherwise vulkan will try to render on the software, it may be successful, but my system was failed on 'vkAcquireNextImageKHR'.

To check the driver you can use this vulkan-tools aplication with command(this file may found in install_dir/bin):

vulkaninfo --summary

shows at least one a GPU device.

On linux can try it:

dkms status

shows a GPU driver.

(For nvidia):


diplays drivers version and other usefull features.