
A Minecraft plugin that allows admins to quickly switch between inventories.

Primary LanguageJava

|=================================ADMIN TOGGLE=================================|

Version: 1.2.0 Beta Date: 10 June 2013

By Blir

AdminToggle is a Minecraft plugin intended for server admins to quickly toggle between two or more player profiles. These profiles (or "snapshots") contain the players inventory, equipped items, health, hunger, game mode, and exp.

==== Downloads: ====

v1.2.0 Beta: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/103112496/plugins/AdminToggle/Release/1.2.0%20Beta/AdminToggle.jar

The project on Dev Bukkit: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/admintoggle/

==== Commands: ====


This is the primary feature of the plugin. It allows the player to
switch between the "admin" and "legit" snapshots. The first time you
use the plugin, you are in "legit" mode. When you enable "admin" mode,
your current set-up is saved as "legit" and the plugin attempts to
load the "admin" snapshot. If the "admin" snapshot does not exist,
your inventory is not changed when switching to "admin" mode nor is 
the "admin" snapshot saved as "admin" upon switching back to "legit" 
mode. You can create an admin inventory simply by entering "/newsnap 
admin" (or "/osnap admin" to overwrite an existing snapshot). When you
disable admin mode, the plugin will save your current set-up as "temp"
to help prevent accidental item loss, and then load the "legit"

Usage: /AdminSwitch
Aliases: asdf, adswitch


Saves your current profile to RAM, with the name that you specify.
All snapshots in RAM are automatically saved to a file.
See SaveSnapshots for more details on saving.

Usage: /NewSnapshot <Snapshot name>
Aliases: newsnap


Overwrites the snapshot you specify with your current profile.

Usage: /OverwriteSnapshot <Snapshot name>
Aliases: osnap, overwritesnap


Saves all snapshots currently in RAM to the snapshots.properties file.
Snapshots are loaded from this file when the plugin is loaded. Use of
this command isn't normally necessary as the plugin does this
automatically every time the server is restarted or shut down, unless
there was a problem loading.

Usage: /SaveSnapshots
Aliases: savesnap, savesnaps


Loads the specified snapshot from RAM. If a snapshot doesn't exist with
the name you supply, no snapshot will be loaded.

Usage: /LoadSnapshot <Snapshot name>
Aliases: loadsnap, lsnap


Loads the specified snapshot from the specified user from RAM. If a user or
snapshot doesn't exist with the given names, no snapshot will be loaded.

Usage: /LoadOtherSnapshot <Player name> <Snapshot name>
Aliases: loadothersnap, losnap


Lists snapshots saved for your user.

Usage: /MySnapshots
Aliases: mysnaps, mysnap


Lists snapshots saved for all users.

Usage: /AllSnapshots
Aliases: allsnaps, allsnap


Deletes the snapshot with the specified name if it exists.

Usage: /DeleteSnapshot <Snapshot name>
Aliases: dsnap, delsnap, deletesnap, removesnapshot, removesnap, rmsnap


Deletes all snapshots for your user. Use carefully! Snapshots are
permanently lost. You must type "CONFIRM" in all capital letters to
confirm this action. Likewise, there are no shorter aliases to prevent
accidental loss of snapshots.

Usage: /DeleteMySnapshots CONFIRM
Aliases: None


Moves the specified snapshot to the specified world.

Usage: /MoveSnapshot <snapshot name> <target world>
Aliases: movesnap


Changes the visibility of the specified snapshot.

Usage: /SnapshotType <snapshot name> <global|private|grouped>
Aliases: snaptype


Reverses the last snapshot load. An intuitive way to undo snapshots
without having to use /LoadSnapshot.

Usage: /UndoSnapshot
Aliases: undosnap, undosnaps, usnap, usnaps


Returns your current admin mode setting. For the forgetful ones.

Usage: /AdminCheck
Aliases: adcheck, adc


Creates a new world group with the given name and initializes it with the
specified worlds, if any.

Usage: /CreateWorldGroup <name> [first world] [second world] [and so on...]
Aliases: None for now.


Adds the specified worlds to the specified world group.

Usage: /AddToWorldGroup <world group name> <first world> [second world, etc]
Aliases: None for now.


Removes the specified worlds from the specified world group.

Usage: /RemoveFromWorldGroup <name> <first world> [second world, etc]
Aliases: None for now.


Deletes the specified world group. The worlds previously in the world groups
will behave normally. The snapshots previously shared between these worlds
will return to their original world.

Usage: /DeleteWorldGroup <world group name>
Aliases: None for now.

Notes: None of the commands are case-sensitive unless otherwise specified. Some commands are available from the console and require different arguments.