StarCraft II Client - C++ library supported on Windows, Linux and Mac designed for building scripted bots and research using the SC2API.
- 0
Player' Color
#337 opened by Iwori - 5
Build fails
#335 opened by Chaojimengnan - 0
Error when running ./all_tests on Linux
#336 opened by Felixvillas - 1
Exposing enemy actions
#331 opened by nfitch3 - 1
Human vs Bot
#333 opened by jerrygreen - 0
Relationship between pysc2 and s2client-api
#334 opened by ava6969 - 1
Missing replay packs
#332 opened by H-Park - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
Coordinator::LaunchStarcraft() opens the Blizzard App Login Page instead of StarCraft II
#272 opened by Kaminate - 0
The Unit.owner of a neutral units is 16, but Debug().DebugCreateUnit() can not create a unit whose owner is 16
#328 opened by monarchBacilluscoli - 4
Compiling error: sc2api.pb.h not found
#319 opened by djurosaur - 0
In nonmultithreaded, multi-player game, the call of OnGameEnd() is missing.
#325 opened by monarchBacilluscoli - 0
In multithreaded and multi-player game, the Restart() in OnGameEnd() fails to work
#326 opened by monarchBacilluscoli - 2
Realtime for replays not working
#274 opened by Archiatrus - 3
ClientEvent callbacks do not work
#324 opened by minchopaskal - 1
Day 0 exploit regarding UnitIDs
#323 opened by H-Park - 0
How am I supposed to make a replay of a game started by the coordinator?
#320 opened by brancoliticus - 1
Data for BattleCruiser weapon's are empty
#314 opened by mboedigh - 4
Compile broken on Linux?
#318 opened by brancoliticus - 2
Functions, depend on SampleImageData don't work
#317 opened by KsanfFillum - 3
- 3
test_multiplayer unable startgame
#312 opened by mboedigh - 2
Support for CloackedAllied
#310 opened by mboedigh - 0
support 1-bit-per-pixel ImageData
#311 opened by mboedigh - 0
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Can't change Text Size and Color in DebugTextOut
#307 opened by aebayrak - 1
How to build the api?
#305 opened by Kapilz82 - 0
Connect with Starcrat2 is broken for me.
#304 opened by dmitrii-mitrofanoff - 3
OnUnitIdle override not working
#301 opened by marcus1337 - 0
A mistake in feature_layers example?
#302 opened by monarchBacilluscoli - 3
Question about set replay oberver perspective
#300 opened by DotaIsMind - 3
A error of sc2::ClientEvents::OnUnitCreated() .
#299 opened by DotaIsMind - 0
Health bar visibility
#297 opened by lwneal - 2
race_actual always defaults to sc2::Race::Protoss
#294 opened by pedronahum - 1
expose player race in ObservationInterface
#293 opened by pedronahum - 0
Random seed not released (mac only?)
#292 opened by macfree - 0
Question about path-finding info
#291 opened by davechurchill - 0
- 0
Cooldown in AbilityData?
#288 opened by LiliumAtratum - 1
MORPH_ARCHON ability unavailable
#279 opened by BurnySc2 - 0
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How to get unit kills data?
#285 opened by davidliujiafeng - 0
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How to tell what is being built inside a Zerg Egg?
#283 opened by lrCritch - 0
Chronoboost ability misnumbered
#278 opened by yanntm - 0
#277 opened by mejan - 0
Neutral enum adding suggestion
#275 opened by mejan