
The Plugin is converting Microsoft Project files into Word Docs for some reason? and the file is broken.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Naive Name: Schedule Template_MS Project Version-Architecture.mpp
Naive Extension: mpp
Naive Type: application/msproject
Magic Type: application/
Best Type: application/msword

Name: Schedule Template_MS Project Version-Architecture.doc
Extension: doc
Type: application/msword
Code: 75

Kernel: Linux 3.12.18-clouder0 #3 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 25 12:13:20 EEST 2022 x86_64
PHP: 7.4.33
Modules: Core; PDO; Phar; Reflection; SPL; SimpleXML; Zend OPcache; apache2handler; bcmath; bz2; calendar; ctype; curl; date; dba; dom; enchant; exif; fileinfo; filter; ftp; gd; gettext; gmp; hash; iconv; imap; intl; json; libxml; mbstring; memcached; mysqli; mysqlnd; openssl; pcre; pdo_mysql; pdo_pgsql; pdo_sqlite; pgsql; posix; pspell; session; shmop; soap; sockets; sodium; sqlite3; standard; sysvmsg; sysvsem; tidy; tokenizer; xml; xmlreader; xmlrpc; xmlwriter; xsl; zip; zlib
WordPress: 6.2.2
Plugins: acf [6.1.6]; blob-mimes [1.3.14]; classic-editor [1.6.3]; custom-post-type-ui [1.13.6]; happy-scss-compiler [1.3.10]; relevanssi [2.23.0]; sg-cachepress [7.3.2]; sg-security [1.4.5]; user-role-editor [4.63.3]; wp-crontrol [1.15.2]; wpo365-login [23.0]; wpo365-login-premium [23.0]
Theme: toolbox [1.0.0]

Thanks for the report @jadams-rva!

I just pushed a new release of Lord of the Files (1.3.16) with a workaround for MS Office Project files. Once your site sees the change, would you please update the plugin, then re-upload the failing file(s) to see if they come through okay now?

The MIME type will probably still be misidentified because mpp is used by multiple programs for completely different things, but office variants should now be recognized, preventing any extension-swapping.

I'll leave the ticket open in the meantime, just in case.

Thanks again!

Thanks for confirming, @jadams-rva!

If you stumble across any other random file weirdness down the road, just let me know.