
Scripts for Cryptologic Protocol Theory

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Scripts for Cryptologic Protocol Theory class

Project consists of scripts for Cryptologic Protocol Theory class. It's meant to support student's workflow through out the class.


elem.py <modulo> - elements of a group
gcd.py <a_number> <b_number> - Greatest common dividor (GCD)
eucgcd.py <a_number> <b_number> - Euclidean Algorithm (GCD)
ferm.py <number_to_test> or ferm.py <number_to_test> <n_times> - Fermant's test
gen.py <element> <modulo> - tests if element is a generator
findgen.py <modulo> - finds all generators of group
phi.py <number> or phi.py <prime_factor> <prime_factor> ... - Euler's function
inv.py <element> <modulo> - inverse element
order.py <modulo> - order of a group
order.py <element> <modulo> - order of an element
pow.py <base> <power> or pow.py <base> <power> <modulo> - power
mod.py <number> <modulo> - modulo

Scripts and their usage

Elements of a group

  • elem.py <modulo> - prints out elements of additive and multiplicative group Z<modulo>

example: elem.py 12

Greatest common divisor (GCD)

  • gcd.py <a_number> <b_number> - finds GCD

example: gcd.py 9 7

Euclidean algorithm (GCD)

  • eucgcd.py <a_number> <b_number> - finds GCD with Euclidean algorithm

example: eucgcd.py <33> <12>

Fermant's test

  • ferm.py <number_to_test> - tests if a number is a prime number through Fermant's test
  • ferm.py <number_to_test> <n_times> - runs Fermant's test <n_times>`

example: ferm.py 69 will run test only once or ferm.py 69 3 will run test 3 times


The generator is and element such that if you do element^1 than element^2 and so on, it will generate all elements in the group. The group Z*q has phi(phi(q)) generators, ONLY if q is a prime!!! The only possible orders of an element are divisors of the Order of the group. Only these possible orders are necessary to test if testing an element to be a generator. If at the possible order is the element congruent to 1 than this element is not a generator. However, if the element is congruent to 1 at the order of phi(q) than the element is a generator.

  • gen.py <element> <modulo> - test if <element> is a generator in Z*<modulo>
  • gen.py <-t | --theory> - prints out some basic theory

example: gen.py 3 10

Find all generators

  • findgen.py <modulo> - test all elements if they are a generator in Z*<modulo>

example: findgen.py 11

Euler's function

  • phi.py <number> - calculates Euler's function for <number>
  • phi.py <prime_factor> <prime_factor> ... - calculates Euler's function by prime factors of a number

example: phi.py 60 or phi.py 2 2 3 5
Second usage is filled with prime factorization 60 = 2^2 * 3 * 5

Inverse element

Inverse is a number a(^-1) such that: a * a^(-1) = 1 (mod n).
Inverse exist ONLY if a and n are comprime, means GCD(a,n) = 1 !!!

  • inv.py <element> <modulo> - finds inverse to <element> in Z*<modulo> if exists
  • inv.py <-t | --theory> - shows theory

example: inv.py 5 12 - gives and inverse of 5 in modulo 12 (only multiplicative group)
inv.py --theory - prints theory


Order of a group says how many elements group has. Order of an element says how many elements of a group can this element generate. The only possible orders of an element are divisors of Order of a group. Only these possible orders are necessary to test if testing an element to be a generator.

  • order.py <modulo> - prints out order of a group
  • order.py <element> <modulo> - prints out order of an element in a group
  • order.py <-t | --theory> - prints out basic theory

example: order.py 69 or order.py 3 69 or order.py -t


  • pow.py <base> <power>
  • pow.py <base> <power> <modulo>

example: pow.py 69 2 - computes 69^2
pow.py 69 2 16 - computes 69^2 mod 16


  • mod.py <number> <mod>

example: mod.py 69 60


Injective (one-to-one) function is such that no two x map to same y
Surjective (onto) function is such that every y has AT LEAST one x
Bijective (combination of both) function is such that every y has EXACTLY one x

  • func.py - shows some basic theory about functions


  • complex.py - will show some basic info about computing complexity of an algorithm


In order to run above commands as shown you need to have installed python interpret and either be in current directory with scripts or have path to them set in system variable $PATH (on Windows)


For faster workflow type only first few letters and press TAB key for auto-compltion. This way you never have to type ".py" at least.
You don't have to type python or python3 unless you want to use that specific version.

Feel free to contribute by forking and then requesting a pull <3 <3 <3