The MeebitsDAO Ticket Token is an ERC-721, implementing OpenZepplin ERC721Burnable, ERC721URIStorage, and AccessControl.
Contract address on Polygon: 0xB3E7DF09eB3F0a5E2150c75Bd71F583fC83EE193
yarn install
Create a .env
file in the root directory with the variables from the .env.template
yarn lint
Lints/formats solidity contracts & javascript scripts/tests.
yarn test
yarn deploy-mumbai
yarn deploy-mainnet
This runs the deploy.js
script with the specified network. Outputs the contract address.
Add a CSV file to /scripts
directory of this project that cointains a list of addresses to mint to.
yarn mint-mumbai
yarn mint-mainnet
This runs the bulk-mint.js
script with the specified network.
If a token's metadata needs to be changed, we can burn the token & then remint it.
yarn burn-mumbai
yarn burn-mainnet
This runs the burn.js
script with the specified network.
Then, re-mint the specific token after burning:
yarn mint-single-mumbai
yarn mint-single-mainnet
Verify contract on Polygonscan
npx hardhat verify --network matic <contract address>