
Canonical liquidity mining contract for Uniswap V3

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is the canonical staking contract designed for Uniswap V3.


Note that the v1.0.0 release is susceptible to a high-difficulty, never-exploited vulnerability. For this reason, please use the v1.0.2 release, deployed and verified on Etherscan:

Network Explorer
Mainnet https://etherscan.io/address/0xe34139463bA50bD61336E0c446Bd8C0867c6fE65
Arbitrum One https://arbiscan.io/address/0xe34139463bA50bD61336E0c446Bd8C0867c6fE65
Optimism https://optimistic.etherscan.io/address/0xe34139463bA50bD61336E0c446Bd8C0867c6fE65
Base https://basescan.org/address/0x42be4d6527829fefa1493e1fb9f3676d2425c3c1

⚠️DEPRECATED⚠️: For historical verification purposes only, the staker at tag v1.0.0 was deployed at the address: 0x1f98407aaB862CdDeF78Ed252D6f557aA5b0f00d


Development and Testing

yarn test

Gas Snapshots

# if gas snapshots need to be updated
$ UPDATE_SNAPSHOT=1 yarn test

Contract Sizing

yarn size-contracts