Weather Report w/ Virgil

This project asks you a couple of questions. Is it hot or cold right now? What state are you in? What city are you in? from these answers, you shall get a weather report.


This project actually was one suggested from my mentor. So I did some research reading some documentaion to get this done.

Built With

-Semantic HTML5 markup -CSS custom properties -CSS Grid -JavaScript

Method and results

First, I simply created the layout before I designed it. Made sure all of my functions were clear throughout the two pages. I wanted to give it a slightly interactive feel.

The main thing I spent time on was fetching the data through the open weathers API. My first problem was in my main.js file. Did some research and decided to create a script line in the HTML file where my API key was laid, and I got the function to at least give me an error, which felt good to figure out because I didn't see that mistake last night. The second problem was I created an API key through google cloud and was wondering why it returned my error statement. Instead, I decided to create an account with open weather and they generated a new API key for me to use. Seems like it worked just fine immediately. Now that this code is all fine, I will come back to generate a suggestion that suggests clothing items for you based upon these different weather conditions.

Repository overview

├── ├── Weather report w/ Virgil ├── Motivation │ ├── Method and results │ ├── Repos overview │ └── Resources └── About

More resources

Author Joshua Levy