
A simple example of a contract interacting with another contract

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Contract-Contract Calls

The following example shows how to invoke a function from an already deployed contract.

The Caller contract will invoke functions in the Callee contract.

Inside Caller.sol you'll notice these specific lines.

One is for importing the definitions inside Callee.sol to Caller.sol while the statement Callee c = Callee(addr) instantiates an existing instance of the Callee contract on the blockchain by using its deployment address.

import "./Callee.sol";
Callee c = Callee(addr);


ethers.js Interace

Install ethers.js

npm install -g ethers

Interact with Contract

const ethers = require('ethers')

const url = "http://localhost:8545";
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(url);
const signer0 = provider.getSigner(0);

var contract_abi = [...]
var contract_addr = "0x1234....."
var contract = new ethers.Contract(contract_addr, contract_abi, provider);

var contract_with_signer = contract.connect(signer0);
