
A CLI descriptor-based wallet to be used to safely inherit bitcoin

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION

Blockchain Commons mori-cli

  • part of the gordian technology family


Death is something uncomfortable, usually our death is not something we want to talk about, much less in our youth, but as Bitcoiners we have to prepare our funds for that day that will inevitably come.

This project proposes a way that a btc owner can leave his bitcoins to his heirs in the event of death in a decentralized way and with the least possible complication.

The main characteristic of this proposal is that the heirs can recover the funds in the event of death but CANNOT access the funds while the btc owner lives.

Not knowing when we are going to die is what adds complexity to the matter.

As a Bitcoiner and custodians of our privacy, we need to remove the trusted third party whenever possible.

Bitcoin script allows us to carry out a method so that the heirs cannot access while the btc owner is alive, but they will after his death.

How does this work?

We will call the btc owner Alice and we will call the heir Bob:

  1. User generates two descriptors, the first one is for Alice, with this descriptor Alice will be able to generate new addresses and spend those UTXO at any moment she need. The second one is for Bob, with this descriptor he will be able to spend every UTXO from Alice after 25920 blocks being mined, this is 6 months approximately.
  2. Alicia gives to Bob his descriptor.
  3. Alice can use this wallet like any other wallet, but she has to be sure to spend/sweep/rotate every UTXO before 6 months, if she doesn't we can assume she's dead and Bob can inherit the money.

mori-cli is based on Bitcoin Dev Kit and creates descriptors from a miniscript policy, this policy have two spending conditions, this descriptors ONLY works on BDK at this moment but hopefully it will be working on Bitcoin core soon and others will follow.

  • Condition 1: Alice can spend the funds at any time.
  • Condition 2: Bob can spend the funds after N blocks have been mined.

miniscript policy:


Status - Late Alpha

mori-cli is currently under active development and in the late alpha testing phase. It should not be used for production tasks until it has had further testing and auditing.

This first version is a stateless wallet, this means that we are regenerating it every time we run the command line.


  • Basic stateless wallet (connects to a electrum server)
  • Add miniscripts support with CSV time-locks
  • Generate main descriptors (A can spend anytime, B can spend after N blocks mined)
  • Generate account addresses from descriptor main descriptor
  • Add PSBT generation, signing PSBT and broadcast tx
  • Generate descriptors for B (can spend after N blocks mined)
  • Error handling
  • Change from stateless to stateful wallet


Make sure you have Rust and Cargo installed.

Installation Instructions

$ git clone https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/mori-cli.git
$ cd mori-cli
$ cargo build

The resulting executable is target/debug/mori-cli

You can alternatively run and build automatically with a single command: cargo run.

Usage Instructions

We generate two descriptors, they only have a little difference, one will generate the addresses to receive and the other one for the change addresses.

$ cargo run -- descriptor

Everything before -- are arguments we are passing to Rust's cargo tool, what is after to -- are arguments to our program.

If we want to execute the binary we can run it like this:

$ target/debug/mori-cli descriptor

We will see our receiving descriptor and our change descriptor, as we are using a stateless wallet we need to pass as arguments those descriptors as parameters everytime, so let's create two variables in a .env file.


Now we bring those vars to our shell running source .env

To receiving you need to generate a new address, for this we need to pass the descriptor and a index, it starts with 0.

cargo run -- receive --index 0 --desc $DESC

Send some btc to that address, if you don't have tBTC you can get some from this faucet.

To see your balance just run

cargo run -- balance --desc $DESC --change $CHANGE

Now you want to send some coins to a other user address, for this you need to build a transaction.

cargo run -- build --desc $DESC --change $CHANGE --amount <amount in satoshsi> --destination <tBTC address>

We will see a PSBT that we need to sign and broadcast with the send command.

cargo run -- send --desc $DESC --psbt <psbt transaction>

That should show you a transaction Id, that means that it works 😀 Congratulations! you can die now! ⚰️⚱️💀

Origin, Authors, Copyright & Licenses

Unless otherwise noted (either in this /README.md or in the file's header comments) the contents of this repository are Copyright © 2020 by Blockchain Commons, LLC, and are licensed under the spdx:BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License.

In most cases, the authors, copyright, and license for each file reside in header comments in the source code. When it does not, we have attempted to attribute it accurately in the table below.

This table below also establishes provenance (repository of origin, permalink, and commit id) for files included from repositories that are outside of this repo. Contributors to these files are listed in the commit history for each repository, first with changes found in the commit history of this repo, then in changes in the commit history of their repo of their origin.

File From Commit Authors & Copyright (c) License
exception-to-the-rule.c or exception-folder https://github.com/community/repo-name/PERMALINK https://github.com/community/repo-name/commit/COMMITHASH 2020 Exception Author MIT


External libraries are listed in Cargo.toml.

Derived from BDK tutorials

This project is derived from many tutorials but specially:

Financial Support

Morí is a project of Blockchain Commons. We are proudly a "not-for-profit" social benefit corporation committed to open source & open development. Our work is funded entirely by donations and collaborative partnerships with people like you. Every contribution will be spent on building open tools, technologies, and techniques that sustain and advance blockchain and internet security infrastructure and promote an open web.

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The following people directly contributed to this repository. You can add your name here by getting involved. The first step is learning how to contribute from our CONTRIBUTING.md documentation.

Name Role Github Email GPG Fingerprint
Francisco Calderón Software engineer @grunch <calderon@protonmail.com> 1024 949F 02D3 FA0B 4CF5 AC05 A198 51E0 9485 13DC

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We want to keep all of our software safe for everyone. If you have discovered a security vulnerability, we appreciate your help in disclosing it to us in a responsible manner. We are unfortunately not able to offer bug bounties at this time.

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